Heartland HOUSED is dedicated to transforming the landscape of homelessness in Springfield and Sangamon County, IL. As the backbone organization of the Heartland Continuum of Care, we develop strategic initiatives, support collaborative implementation efforts, and foster partnerships aimed at functionally ending homelessness. Aligned with the 2022-2028 Springfield & Sangamon County Strategic Plan, we strive to create a sustainable and inclusive community where everyone has access to safe and stable housing. Together, we are committed to driving impactful change and uplifting lives in our community. Our vision is to make the experience of homelessness in Sangamon County rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Josh Sabo, Executive Director
Jamie Riedle, System Coordinator
Shymeka Kerr, Housing Problem Solving Specialist
Molly McDonald, System Support Administrator
Tracie Cunningham, Heartland Continuum of Care HMIS Administrator / MERCY Communities
Nick Dodson, Heartland Continuum of Care Housing Navigator / Helping Hands
Heartland HOUSED Strategy Board
The Heartland HOUSED Strategy Board serves as the Board of Directors for Heartland HOUSED while also focusing on the implementation of our community's strategic plan. The Strategy Board seeks to understand needs, gaps in service, and resources available to reach community goals while also monitoring progress toward reaching functional zero homelessness.
Heartland HOUSED Strategy Board Members
Heartland Continuum of Care Board of Directors
The Heartland Continuum of Care Board of Directors provides oversight for our crisis response system designed to help individuals and families end their experience of homelessness. This HCoC board allocates funding from HUD and the State of Illinois dedicated to supportive housing and other crisis response programs. The board organizes crisis response system work through focused Task Groups (Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Homelessness Prevention, Supportive Housing, Community Education, Coordinated Entry, and HMIS) and Committees (Coordinated Entry Case Conferencing, Sangamon Re-Entry, and Medical Respite Care) which are staffed by the Heartland HOUSED team.
Heartland Continuum of Care Board of Directors
Heartland Continuum of Care Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Heartland Continuum of Care General Membership
The Heartland Continuum of Care General Membership is a collaboration of all local stakeholders interested in working together to build a stronger system to address homelessness through training, conversation, advocacy, and shared work to make the experience of homelessness in Springfield and Sangamon County rare, brief, and non-recurring.
HCoC General Membership Meeting Recordings
HCoC General Membership Meeting Minutes
Heartland HOUSED Lived Experience Advisory Board
The Lived Experience Advisory Board consists of people with lived experience of homelessness who meet each month to provide their input and expertise on policies, projects, and ways to improve the homeless response system in Springfield/Sangamon County.