What We Do

Coordinated Entry

The Sangamon County Coordinated Entry System is a centralized or collaborative process designed to coordinate program participant intake, assessments, and referrals to housing. This process is open to any and all individuals and families in the CoC Service Area who are experiencing literal homelessness, at imminent risk of homelessness, or actively fleeing domestic violence, as defined by HUD, regardless of any potential barriers such as lack of income, criminal history, substance use, or prior program experiences.

A common assessment is utilized throughout the Heartland Continuum of Care to facilitate a household’s placement on the Coordinated Entry list. The assessment collects participant’s homeless history and other essential information to determine eligibility and priority for supportive housing referrals. Households can only access Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing opportunities through the Coordinated Entry System. 

Coordinated Entry covers the HCoC’s entire geographic area of Sangamon County. One of the primary goals of the HCoC’s Coordinated Entry System is for the system to be easily accessible and welcoming to the wide range of people who may experience a housing crisis in Sangamon County. Therefore, multiple types of access points are available for people experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness. The intake and referral process will be consistent across all access points so that participants receive seamless care regardless of which access point they use to enter the system.

Click here for a video explanation of the Pathway to Housing and the Coordinated Entry System

Click here for the complete list of Coordinated Entry Access Points.

Click here for the Coordinated Entry Referral Request Form.

Click here for the Coordinated Entry Case Conferencing calendar invite. 

Coordinated Entry Documentation 

Coordinated Entry System in Sangamon County (Pathway to Housing)

Heartland Continuum of Care: Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures Manual

Coordinated Entry Assessment Guideline

Coordinated Entry Housing Programs' Eligibility Criteria Table

All those referred must be eligible to receive services at the agency they are referred to. The only way to access Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid Rehousing Programs (RRH) is through the Coordinated Entry System. 

Rapid Re-Housing Programs

Helping HandsRapid Re-HousingCategories 1 & 4 HUD's definition of homelessness
Fifth Street RenaissanceRapid Re-HousingCategories 1 & 4 HUD's definition of homelessness
MERCY CommunitiesRapid Re- HousingCategories 1 & 4 HUD's definition of homelessness; families w/children under 18
Phoenix CenterRapid Re-HousingCategories 1 & 4 HUD's definition of homelessness; LGBTQ+

Permanent Supportive Programs

Fifth Street RenaissanceVeterans Family Renaissance 
Permanent Supportive Housing 6 
Chronically Homeless;
Helping HandsPermanent Supportive HousingChronically Homeless
MERCY CommunitiesPermanent Supportive HousingChronically Homeless Families
Phoenix CenterBilly's HouseChronically Homeless; LGBTQ+


Flowchart of HUD’s Definition of Chronic Homelessness

HUD Binder: Continuum of Care Program

Community Standards

The Heartland Continuum of Care is working to develop Community Standards for all programs to help organizations unify around best practices and to continuously improve quality of service across the Continuum of Care. Currently the HCoC has adopted Community Standards for Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Street Outreach and efforts are under way to finalize Emergency Shelter Standards.

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

HMIS is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to individuals and families at risk of and experiencing homelessness. Each CoC is responsible for selecting an HMIS software solution that complies with HUD’s data collection, management, and reporting standards. 

Why is HMIS Data Important?
Because all Heartland Continuum of Care data is housed in HMIS, the database serves as the CoC’s primary source of information when making data-informed decisions in homelessness planning. HMIS is only as useful as the quality of the data being entered by users, which is part of why participation in HMIS is a vital piece of the homelessness system. 

MERCY Communities serves as the HMIS Lead for the Heartland Continuum of Care.

Every CoC-funded project is required to participate in HMIS, though other homelessness projects may also have funders who also require this participation as well. Participation in HMIS entails individual agencies entering and maintaining their client and project data in this centralized system. 

HCoC HMIS Policy (approved 10/22)

If you are an agency that is interested in gaining access to HMIS, please complete these forms below. 

New User HMIS Form

New Project Form

HMIS Master Service Agreement

Training Opportunities 

This training page houses supplemental materials and recordings of trainings put on by the Heartland Continuum of Care. 

Heartland Continuum of Care training platforms

Wellsky Training Center

Log in to Wellsky to learn how to utilize Service Point (HMIS)

Learning Management System

Heartland HMIS and COC training 

Supportive Housing Learning Labs

Standards For Quality Supportive Housing Guide

Housing First, Harm Reduction and Trauma Informed Care: Learner’s Guide

Standards of Quality: Learner’s Guide

Standards of Quality: Learner's Guide

Session 1 Slides can be found here.

Session 3 slides can be found here.


Community Street Outreach Standards and Best Practices

Partners from throughout the community are working to better collaborate on outreach efforts. This training is a great way to learn more about Street Outreach Efforts and Best Practices


HCoC Point in Time Count Webinar

For a copy of these slides click here


Heartland HOUSED & Homebase Training Series

Heartland HOUSED and Homebase have partnered to provide trainings in connection to the development of Community Standards for Heartland Continuum of Care programs. Videos of all the trainings are down below.

Homeless Response System Training

For a copy of the slides for this training click here

Effective Case Management Training

For a copy of the slides for this training click here

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for Service Providers Training

For a copy of the slides for this training click here


Homelessness Prevention Guidelines and Training

Fifth Street Renaissance provided information and training for community members and services providers to utilize Homelessness Prevention funds for eligible households that are in danger of eviction, foreclosure, or homelessness.

Lived Experience Collaboration

Heartland HOUSED and the Heartland Continuum of Care believe engaging persons with lived experience is critical to achieving the goals outlined in the 2022-2028 Strategic Plan to End Homelessness.

Our main goal in 2024 is to create a Lived Experience Advisory Board made up of folks with lived experience of homelessness, who will regularly provide their input and expertise on CoC policies, new projects, and how to improve the homeless response system in Springfield/Sangamon County.

We want to uplift the voices of those that have lived experience of homelessness and ensure that voice is being integrated in the efforts in our community. This board will be used in an advisory capacity in conjunction with the Heartland HOUSED Strategy Board and the Heartland Continuum of Care board.

Before you apply….

What to Expect!

  • Compensation for your time
  • Monthly set meetings
  • Provide personal experience, insight, knowledge, and leadership to community leaders, service providers, and other stakeholders

Requirements to join!

  • Experienced homelessness within the last 7 years.
  • Ability to attend monthly meetings via zoom or in person
  • Have a desire to help our community!
  • Currently resides in Sangamon County

Want to join the board?

If you are someone that has experienced homelessness in their life and are interested, apply to join the Lived Experience Advisory Board.

** All applications are reviewed by the HCOC board. Once final decisions are made, applicants will be contacted whether or not they were selected.

If you prefer a paper copy of this application, contact us.


~We aim to empower those who were once powerless~