The Sangamon County Coordinated Entry System is a centralized or collaborative process designed to coordinate program participant intake, assessments, and referrals to housing. This process is open to any and all individuals and families in the CoC Service Area who are experiencing literal homelessness, at imminent risk of homelessness, or actively fleeing domestic violence, as defined by HUD, regardless of any potential barriers such as lack of income, criminal history, substance use, or prior program experiences.
A common assessment is utilized throughout the Heartland Continuum of Care to facilitate a household’s placement on the Coordinated Entry list. The assessment collects participant’s homeless history and other essential information to determine eligibility and priority for supportive housing referrals. Households can only access Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing opportunities through the Coordinated Entry System.
Coordinated Entry covers the HCoC’s entire geographic area of Sangamon County. One of the primary goals of the HCoC’s Coordinated Entry System is for the system to be easily accessible and welcoming to the wide range of people who may experience a housing crisis in Sangamon County. Therefore, multiple types of access points are available for people experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness. The intake and referral process will be consistent across all access points so that participants receive seamless care regardless of which access point they use to enter the system.
Click here for a video explanation of the Pathway to Housing and the Coordinated Entry System.
Click here for the complete list of Coordinated Entry Access Points.
Click here for the Coordinated Entry Referral Request Form.
Click here for the Coordinated Entry Case Conferencing calendar invite.
Coordinated Entry Documentation
Coordinated Entry System in Sangamon County (Pathway to Housing)
Heartland Continuum of Care: Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures Manual
Coordinated Entry Assessment Guideline
Coordinated Entry Housing Programs' Eligibility Criteria Table
All those referred must be eligible to receive services at the agency they are referred to. The only way to access Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid Rehousing Programs (RRH) is through the Coordinated Entry System.
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Permanent Supportive Programs
Flowchart of HUD’s Definition of Chronic Homelessness
HUD Binder: Continuum of Care Program