Get Involved

Join our fight to end homelessness

Homelessness is a community challenge that requires a community response. In Springfield and Sangamon County, community members and partners come together in incredible ways to support our neighbors who are unhoused. Through all of our collective action, we can make the experience of homelessness in Sangamon County rare, brief, and nonrecurring.

These resources may help you find a way to get involved:

The Heartland Continuum of Care General Membership meets every 2 to 3 months and is a great way to learn about work happening in our community and ongoing needs. If you prefer, you can use the link above to sign up for emails so that you get regular updates about community efforts.

The Community Ambassador Training was created in 2021 to help create a foundation for the community to engage in the strategic planning process. Though a couple years old, the content is still relevant and provides an orientation to the work the HCoC does.

Learn About Solutions For Homelessness

The links below provide additional opportunities for you to educate yourself on solutions to homelessness. The more informed our community is, the better we can advocate for the programs, funding, and resources needed for progress.

Homelessness is Solvable” from the Solvable podcast provides great insight about models for effectively ending homelessness.

Why We Can’t Solve Homelessness?” interview from Illinois Public Media featuring State Homelessness Chief for the Illinois Department of Human Services, Christine Haley. There been many attempts over the years to help people deal with homelessness and the problems that cause it. But how successful have those efforts actually been? Where do we stand in the fight against homelessness here in Illinois? And what will it take to reach, as Governor JB Pritzker has called it, “functional zero” homelessness?