News Detail

Heartland Continuum of Care HUD CoCBuilds Local Competition Process Has Begun


On July 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for new permanent supporting housing projects under the CoCBuilds initiative (Federal Funding Opportunity: FR-6800-N-25A). To participate in national competitions for HUD CoCBuilds Project funds, Heartland Continuum of Care must hold a Local CoC Program Competition to evaluate and select one project to include in the CoC application to HUD.

The maximum project amount for the Heartland Continuum of Care is $5,000,000. The HCoC can only submit one project to HUD for consideration.

Important Deadlines
All CoC Program Competition deadlines are 5:00pm on the date listed.  

  • Application Due on October 1, 2024  
  • Applicants notified of acceptance and review score: October 4, 2024
  • ​Final application narrative and support documents submitted to CoC: November 7, 2024
  • Project application submitted by CoC to HUD for review: November 14, 2024

This application must be submitted by 5 PM on October 1. In addition to this application, the following documents should be sent in one email to

  • Applicant proof of non-profit status, if applicable
  • Development budget, showing secured an unsecured funds (format submitted to other funds acceptable) ​
  • Project timeline (format submitted to other funds acceptable) 
  • Evidence of site control, if available
  • Letter of commitment for rental assistance, if available
  • Letter(s) of commitment for services, if available

Click here to access the HCoC CoCBuilds Application.
Click here to view a pdf of the application.